CPR Re-training Guidelines for General Practices
(From Resuscitation Council Guidelines, last updated May 2020)
Essentially the overall requirement for CPR training is driven by CQC who fall back on the UK Resuscitation Council guidelines.
In summary the Council suggest the following in Sections 4 - 6:
- Clinical staff should have at least annual updates
- Non-clinical staff generally should have annual updates also.
The word 'generally' is interesting, based to an extent on a local risk assessment. But to be realistic in a GP context, any member of staff at any time could face a cardiac arrest emergency anywhere - whether in surgery or elsewhere - and so it is sensible that all staff receive training to ensure that skills are refreshed and that confidence is encouraged and developed to intervene where necessary.
It is interesting to note that dental practices who have been under the CQC umbrella for longer than GP practices have a policy of all staff being trained annually, and the majority of general practices are following suit in order to ensure that all emergency situations are potentially covered. If you would like to discuss your training needs further with us, please feel free to contact us:
0114 438 2027
07980 272 093